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1、你的理由只不过是离开的借口 Your reason is just an excuse to leave

2、你的双眼撒过无数个谎言 Your eyes told numerous lies

3、伴我走还是掉头走 Walk with me or turn away

4、说好的永远呢 Say good forever.

5、花言巧语我比你还会所以不用敷衍我Blandishments I than you would so don't put me off

6、时间会冲淡一切,距离会让我们好过一些 Time will dilute all, distance will make us better.

7、勉强只会两败俱伤 Reluctantly will only cause destruction to both sides

8、有没有一种思念永不疲倦 Is there a miss never tired

9、那些动听的情话到最后不还是成了一道道疤Those beautiful love to the end or become a scar.

10、毁我爱她你真棒I love you destroyed her awesome

11、怕看到多重创却碰到你眼光Afraid to see more hit but met your eyes

12、我顾全了所有人可又有谁顾全我I save all the people who save me

13、你演累了么我眼累了You play Mody tired my eyes tired.

14、我本是薄凉之人你要我怎么温暖他人I this is thin cold person how do you want me to warm to others

15、太阳光芒万丈却不及蜡烛只为一人发亮The sun casts a thousand beams. less than a man for candles shining

16、不知不觉中原本面目早已世态炎凉In the face of the fickleness of the world had already imperceptibly

17、如果我有能力就不会任性If I have the ability to won't

18、我终于学会笑着摇头拒绝自己喜欢的东西I finally learn to smile to shake head refused to something you like

19、无能为力时要顺其自然Incapable of action to let nature take its course

20、又有谁会顾及我的感受 Who will take into account my feelings

21、没有结果就不要给我经过 No results don't give me through

22、幸福不开花寂寞已结果 Happiness does not blossom loneliness has results

23、鱼会淹死吗太阳会从东边落下吗世界末日会来吗他会忽然从你背后给你一个拥抱吗 The fish will drown you the sun in the East and sets it the end of the world will come to you he will suddenly from behind you, give you a hug you

24、总有人会离开总有人会到来 There will always be people who will leave someone will come

25、去见你想见的人吧,趁阳光正好,趁微风不噪,趁他还在,趁你未老 To see the people you want to meet you, while the sun is a breeze, while not noise, while he was still, while you are not old

26、毕竟你身边那么拥挤 After all, you are so crowded

27、在现实面前我选择不相信 In reality, I choose not to believe

28、我想重新认识你,从你叫什么名字开始 I want to know you again from the beginning, what's your name

29、很多东西今世只可给你 A lot of things in this world can only give you




